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Using Python to generate Images with DALL-E

engineering, python, openai

Generating architecture diagrams with Python

engineering, diagrams, systemdesign

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Framework

engineering, leadership

Effective conflict management in engineering leadership

engineering, conflicts, leadership

STAR principles in leadership

engineering, star, leadership


Ruby on rails, graphql, REST, migration

Harnessing feature management with Statsig

statsig ruby

Engineering + Management

leadership software engineering

Image Generation with Midjourney + Ruby

ruby midjourney ai

Feature flags testing in Ruby on Rails Applications (SplitIoClient)

rails ruby feature flags testing

Best practices working with feature flags

rails ruby feature flags best practicies

Leveraging for Feature Flags in Ruby on Rails

rails ruby feature flags

Renaming Column in PostgreSQL with Ruby on Rails without downtime

rails postgres migration

Integrating Plivo into Ruby on Rails Application

rails plivo

Engineering Management and 10 Challenges from Everyday Work

rails aws

Migrating Rails Sidekiq Workers to Google Cloud Functions

rails aws

Migrating Sidekiq Jobs to Active Job in a High-Load Rails Application

rails aws

Building High-Load Ruby on Rails Applications on AWS

rails aws

Unleashing the Power of Ruby on Rails with AWS

rails aws

Rails + DynamoDB on AWS

rails aws dynamodb

Mailgun API + NodeJS + ExpressJS

mailgun node

Using interactors in Rails

rails interactors

DO Spaces with administrate gem and Rails

rails activestorage digialocean spaces

Node heap size problem

javascript nodejs heap

How open source can help society

opensource twitter social network

Install specific version of bundler from Gemfile.lock

bundler gemfile

Running Rails apps on GKE [part I]

gke rails

Using Twitter API with Telegram bots

twitter telegram bot

Deploy and run Ruby On Rails apps on Google Cloud Run

cloudrun rails deploy

Engineering accounts on Twitter

twitter startups engineering

Uniq Docker image name with git and Makefile

docker git makefile

Rails + Stripe integration

ruby rails stripe

ErlangJobs app update

elixir erlang jobs

LRU cache with Elixir

elixir cache lru genserver agent

Mac OS Big Sur + Rails env

ruby, rails, gems, macos, bigsur

ClickHouse + ActiveRecord

ruby, rails, clickhouse, activerecord

ClickHouse storage configuration

ruby, rails, clickhouse, storage

Using email alerts with Monit

devops, monit, monitoring

Implementing BFS search in the graph based data structures

ruby, rails, graphs, search, bfs

Building engine for DB monitoring

ruby, rails, db, postgresql, monitoring

Deploying Rust apps with Heroku and Godaddy

rust, api, heroku, deployment, godaddy

Building Rust based API service

rust, api

Easy create release tickets with Node.js & Trello API

nodejs, trello, release, changelog

Stock quotes CLI with Yahoo Finance & Node.js

nodejs, yahoo, stocks, finance

Custom queries on JSONB column

rails, activerecord, jsonb

Stream CSV files to Zip

rails, zip, csv

Storing custom fields for your models as JSON

rails, activerecord, json

Sidekiq flush db

sidekiq, ruby, redis


elixir, github, star


golang, github, star

Resetting counter cache value in your Rails models

rails, activerecord

JWT auth in your GraphQL Rails API

rails, graphql, jwt

Using Pusher gem with your Rails app

rails, pusher, websockets

Redirecting Sidekiq logs

graylog, sidekiq, logs

Rsyslog messages and Graylog

graylog, rsyslog, logs

Deploy your VueJS app to Heroku

vuejs, heroku

Use Graylog with your Rails apps

graylog, service, logging, rails, ruby

Use systemd service with your Golang app

golang, service, systemd


ruby, rails, elasticsearch, tip, quicktip

Using sessions in your Go API

go, gorilla, mux, api, sessions

Build simple web scraper with Golang API with GraphQL

go, gorilla, mux, api, parser, sneakers

Building API with Go

go, gorilla, mux, api, jwt

Profiling your Ruby/Rails apps

ruby, rails, profiling

Using Apache Kafka with Ruby/Rails

ruby, rails, kafka

Using Monit with Rails stack

ruby, rails, monit, systemd

Clickhouse in Rails app

ruby, rails, clickhouse

ElasticSearch + Kibana

ruby, rails, elasticsearch

Migrations on large tables in Rails

ruby, rails, migrations, highload

View Rails server dev logs in Chrome

ruby, rails, chrome, logs

Rails console AR migrations

ruby, rails, activerecord, console, migrations

Nginx HTTPS in 15 mins

ruby, rails, nginx, https

Adding indexes with migrations in Rails

ruby, rails, migrations, tips

Bitbucket pipeline

ruby, rails, bitbucket, pipeline

Puma and Sidekiq with Systemd and Capistrano

ruby, rails, sidekiq, puma, capistrano, systemd

Setup services on Amazon EC2

ruby, rails, amazon, postgresql, redis

Menuo project

ruby, rails, elasticsearch

Postgis extension with Postgresql 9.6.8

ruby, rails, postgis, postgresql

Using rom-rb with Ruby on Rails

ruby, rails, rom-rb

Dry-rb ecosystem in Ruby on Rails project

ruby, rails, dry-rb

Using Bottleneck with Rails

ruby, rails, throttle, rate, limiter

Bottleneck - simple rate limiter for Rails

ruby, rails, throttle, rate, limiter

Apache Solr with Rails

ruby, rails, solr

Using RethinkDB in Rails with ActionCable

ruby, rails, rethinkdb, actioncable

Basic sorting algorithms in Ruby

ruby, algorithms

Ruby methods perfomance

ruby, perfomance

Event sourcing with RabbitMQ in Rails

rails, eventsourcing, rabbitmq

Redis cache in Rails

ruby, rails, redis, cache

ElasticSearch with ActiveRecord

ruby, rails, elasticsearch, activerecord

YandexDisk as ActiveStorage service

rails, yandex, disk, activestorage

Yandex Disk WebDav PROPPATCH

ruby, yandex, disk, webdav, proppatch


ruby, lob

VueJS + NuxtJS + SSR

vuejs, nuxtjs, ssr

GraphQL API with Rails and MongoDB

ruby, graphql, api, mongodb

Running and monitoring NodeJS apps with pm2 and Keymetrics

vuejs, nodejs, monitoring, pm2, keymetrics

VueJS download file from server

ruby, vuejs, file download

Swagger and Rails

ruby, rails, swagger, api

Shopify API

ruby, shopify api

Ruby + Telegram Bot + Wunderlist

ruby, telegram bot, wunderlist

Vue.JS + Evendy Frontend

ruby, rails, vuejs

Rails API + Evendy app

ruby, rails, api

Evendy 2.0

ruby, rails, vuejs

Mutations in GraphQL

ruby, rails, graphql, mutations

GraphQL + Rails

ruby, rails, graphql

Dry.rb in Rails

ruby, rails, dry

Writing your first Elixir integration tests with Hound

elixir, erlang, hound, tests, integration

Telegram strategy for Ravenx

elixir, ravenx, telegram, strategy

Add your Phoenix app to systemd

elixir, phoenix, ubuntu, systemd

Deploying Elixir/Phoenix applications

elixir, phoenix, deployment, distillery, edeliver - Free Erlang/Elixir job board

elixir, erlang, jobs, erlangjobs

FirstMove - small project for junior developers and interns

ruby, rails, firstmove, development

Central Bank of the Russian Federation API Elixir wrapper

elixir, api, wrapper, cbr

Fucking Great Advice API wrapper for Elixir

elixir, api, wrapper

ruby rails events

Ruby and Telegram Bots

ruby rails telegram online journal client for iPhone

ios, swift, inde, iphone, application

Russian Football Premier League (RFPL) Parser

ruby, parser, soccer

Elixir Slack Bot

elixir, slack, bot

Hanami and Google Calendar

elixir, hanamirb, google_calendar

Elixir Uber API Client

elixir, phoenix

Ruby Hash :to_proc


Prezto for ZSH


Twin Peaks. Again.

twin peaks



Let's change something

Current mood

Rack RangeError

rails range error

Hello world

My first post