Migrating Sidekiq Jobs to Active Job in a High-Load Rails Application


In a high-load Ruby on Rails application, efficient background job processing is crucial for maintaining performance and responsiveness. While Sidekiq has been a popular choice for background job processing in Rails applications, migrating to Active Job offers several advantages, especially in terms of flexibility and compatibility with different queuing backends. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of migrating Sidekiq jobs to Active Job in the context of a high-load Rails application.

Assessing the Migration

Before diving into the migration process, it’s essential to assess the impact of migrating Sidekiq jobs to Active Job in your high-load Rails application. Consider the following factors:

  • Performance: Evaluate how the migration might affect the performance of your application, particularly in terms of job processing speed and resource utilization.

  • Scalability: Assess whether Active Job can efficiently handle the workload of your high-load application, especially under peak traffic conditions.

  • Compatibility: Ensure that any third-party integrations or custom features relying on Sidekiq-specific functionality can be seamlessly transitioned to Active Job.

Migration Process

Step 1: Gem Configuration

Begin by adding the necessary gems to your Rails application’s Gemfile. Ensure that the activejob gem is included, along with any additional gems required for the queuing backend you plan to use with Active Job (e.g., sidekiq, delayed_job, etc.).

# Gemfile

gem 'activejob'
gem 'sidekiq' # Or any other queuing backend

Run bundle install to install the new gems and update your application’s dependencies.

Step 2: Rewrite Sidekiq Workers

For each Sidekiq worker in your application, create a corresponding Active Job class. While the interface between Sidekiq workers and Active Job classes is similar, there may be differences in features and behavior that require adjustments to your code.

# Sidekiq Worker
class MyWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker
  def perform(arg)
    # Your Sidekiq job code here
# Sidekiq Worker
# Active Job Class
class MyJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default
  def perform(arg)
    # Your Active Job code here

Step 3: Update Job Invocation

Replace any code that enqueues Sidekiq jobs with the corresponding Active Job invocation. Ensure that the queuing backend is configured correctly to handle Active Job jobs.

# Enqueuing Sidekiq Job
# Enqueuing Active Job

Step 4: Handling Sidekiq-Specific Features

If your Sidekiq jobs rely on features specific to Sidekiq (e.g., middleware, retry options, etc.), you may need to refactor or adjust your code to accommodate the differences between Sidekiq and Active Job. Evaluate whether these features are essential for your application and find appropriate alternatives in Active Job or the chosen queuing backend.

Step 5: Testing and Deployment

Thoroughly test your application after migrating to Active Job to ensure that background job functionality remains intact. Pay special attention to performance, scalability, and any custom features that might be affected by the migration. Once you’re confident in the migration, deploy your changes to production.


Migrating Sidekiq jobs to Active Job in a high-load Rails application is a strategic decision that requires careful planning and consideration. By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully transition your background job processing to Active Job while maintaining the performance, scalability, and reliability of your Rails application. Embrace the flexibility and compatibility offered by Active Job, and unlock new possibilities for background job processing in your high-load environment.

Happy coding!